the sensor
pcm codecs
ID cards
MS Visual Studio

English >>
Presentation "sceneplay"


Before leaving for Washington we made a small rehearsal of the project presentation. Because it ended up with a complete failure, we decided to develop a strict presentation scenario.

That's how the presentation should procede (or rather: should have proceded):

[Paulo has the sensor on. A short introductory speach will follow...]

"The BlueEyes system consists of two parts. One part is a mobile unit, which is worn by the operator. The mobile unit fetches the physiological data from the sensor and sends it to the central system using a Bluetooth connection."

"The central system is deployed on these two laptops connected in an Ethernet network. On the first one – a database, audio and video logging software is running. The other one performs data analysis, alert triggering and visualization."

"This box [CSU interface] contains a Bluetooth module and a PCM interface. LED indicators show the state of the connection."




Software operator

System initialization

The main CSU program has been loaded. Now the system is inquiring for all new BlueEyes system devices in the operation range.



The operator inserts his personal ID card into the mobile device. The system checks whether the device is registered in the database, authorizes the connection and the operator.

[this procedure may take a few seconds]

Inserts ID card.



After the connection has been established a splash screen with a photograph signalizes that a new operator has come – he appears on the on-line list. From now on the operator is automatically supervised.

Let us take a closer look at the parameters.


Overall parameters

Here we can see ...


Switches the parameter view window on.

Raw data

On this property page there are raw sensor signals. ... It is quite difficult to understand the unprocessed information.


Show the raw data property page.

Saccades – reading (1)

Now let us check how the conscious brain involvement calculation works.

First, we will see how the conscious brain behaves in the exploratory mode. We will ask our colleague to read a short text. Let's observe the conscious brain involvement level.


Shows the brain involvement property page. [conscious brain involvement time series]

Saccades – reading (2)


Reads a text.


Saccades – reading (3)

As we can see – reading is a process where lots of new information is acquired, so the conscious brain involvement level was relatively high. [point at the time series]

Now the conscious brain involvement has lowered, but it still suggests that the operator stays in the exploratory mode.

During a normal course of work – the conscious brain involvement should most of the time be at such level.


[point at the time series]

Saccades – counting


Now let us lower our colleague’s attention by asking him to perform a simple calculation.

“Could you calculate the sum of the digits in your SSN number ?”


Saccades – counting


Our colleague’s conscious brain has switched to the planning mode – the conscious brain involvement is gradually decreasing.

Works out the result until the beeper sounds.


Saccades – counting


The alarm has been triggered because the system detected that the operator has entered the planning mode. He might have overseen something important...

Can you give the result ?

Ok – I will not check it anyway.





Shows the alarms property sheet

Custom analyzers – position (1)

Let us show some more features of our system.

Based on the accelerometric signal we can extract lots of interesting information – using custom data analyzers.

We will start from determining operator’s position. Now our colleague is standing. The system knows it too.

Will you lie down for a second ?


Switch to the position analyzer.

Custom analyzers – position (2)

The system has detected the change of the position.

Lies down.


Custom analyzers – sleeping

Our colleague is lying and his saccadic activity is low – he must be sleeping. The system has detected it.

We have shown only two alert condition, but any number of them can be defined, using all available signals, saccadic activity, pulse rate, blood oxygenation and custom analyzers output.

Stops saccadic activity.


Audio and video playback

The system performs continuos recording of the operator’s voice and an overall view of the control room.

Let us try to play some recordings from yesterday.


Shows the playback mode on the other computer.

Custom analyzers – gestures (1)

At the end we will demonstrate a simple gesture recognizer. It will analyze whether our colleague nods his head to say “Yes” or shakes his head to say “No”.

Shows the gesture analyzer.

Custom analyzers – gestures (2)

“Have you enjoyed being the operator ?”



Custom analyzers – gestures (3)

“Shall we finish the demonstration yet ?”

But I think our time is up – so

Thank you for your attention.


(applause ;)


We have planned almost everything...

copyright - BlueTeam - 2001
web design - Stanislaw 'STACHOO' Osinski Krystian 'ZAK' Nowak
