Lango M., Brzeziński D., Firlik S., Stefanowski J., Discovering Minority Sub-clusters and Local Difficulty Factors from Imbalanced Data, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Discovery Science, Kyoto, Japan, 2017 appendixcode
Lango M., Napierala K., Stefanowski J., Evaluating difficulty of multi-class imbalanced data, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2017 appendix
Lango M., Stefanowski J., Applicability of Roughly Balanced Bagging for Complex Imbalanced Data, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns join together with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2015
Lango M., Analysis of data difficulty factors for multi-class imbalanced problems and their application in classification methods, Poznan Univeristy of Technology, 2022 (PhD Thesis)
Lango M., Analysis and Extensions of Roughly Balanced Bagging Ensemble for Imbalanced Data, Poznan Univeristy of Technology, 2015 (MSc Thesis)
Charoński T., Grabowska M., Lango M., Lewiński J., Scholar+: Extending Google Scholar with Web of Science filter, Poznan Univeristy of Technology, 2014 (BSc Thesis)
Other publications
Wiliński M., Lango M., Naglik I.: Towards Explainable and Scalable Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: A Linear-Time Transition-Based Framework, MLinPL Conference, 2023
Wojciechowski A., Lango M.: Adversarial OverSampling for imbalanced image data classification, MLinPL Virtual Meeting, 2020 (poster, 2nd place in Best Poster Competition)
Pluciński K., Lango M.: Unsupervised Machine Translation, MLinPL Conference, 2019 (poster, Best Poster Audience Award)