Private transportation

To get around Poznan by car you have to know some important things associated with it.
In the city centre between 9 am and 7 pm you have to pay for parking. The pay-zone (Strefa Ograniczonego Postoju - SOP) is marked by special road signs.

SOP border sign SOP sign
The price depends on the time (every other hour is more expensive then the previous one) and on part of the centre. Generally the pay-zone is divided into 3 subzones. The highest prices are close to the city centre. This zone is operated by red parking meters.

Parking meter Parking meter

The remaining two subzones are operetad by parking meters, too.
Until year 2002 you can also use parking cards, which are bought in kiosks and some shops. Generally all these places are marked by labels with SOP caption.
Labels are usually visible at the front door or shop window.

Parking card

Please remember, that especially when there are fairs it can be difficult and slow to get round city centre by car - it is recommended to park your car (for example at one of MPK buffer parking lots, which are guarded, relatively cheap and situated in the vicinity of the city centre) and use public transportation (for more details please visit: transportation public).

In case of any problems with car in Poznan and beyond it, you can call Starter - service for motorists:

Starter logo

0 801 12 22 22
0 600 22 22 22
0 609 22 22 22

It operates 24 hours a day and in 80% of cases repairs are carried out on the spot.

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