Photo gallery #14

Some monumets in Poznan

Poznan has many valuable historic monuments in different places in centre of city. Some of them are presented below. Click on the photograph to enlarge it.
1Woodrof Wilson - President USA, Glogowska Street 2Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, Aleja Niepodleglosci 3Monument of Poseidon - fountain, Old Market 4Monumemt of saint, Old Market
5Monument of Hygea, Wiosny Ludow Square 6Monument of Jezus Zbawiciel 7Monument of April 1956, Adam Mickiewicz Square 8Monument of Adam Mickiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz Square
9Jan Pawel II, Cathedral 10Monument of Pregierz, Old Market
11Cyryl Ratajski, Polwiejska Street 12Monument of Powstancow Wielkopolskich, Krolowej Jadwigi Street 12Monument of Powstancow Wielkopolskich, Krolowej Jadwigi Street
In the order:

1. Monumemt of Woodrof Wilson - President USA, Glogowska Street
2. Monumemt of Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, Aleja Niepodleglosci
3. Fountain of Neptune (or Poseidon) , The Old Market
4. Monumemt of the Saint Nepomucen (XVIII cen.), The Old Market
5. Monument of Hygea, Wiosny Ludow Square
6. Monument of Christ the Saviour, Fredry Street
7. Monument of the April 1956, Adam Mickiewicz Square
8. Monument of Adam Mickiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz Square
9. Monument of Jan Pawel II , Cathedral
10. Pillory - (year 1535),  The Old Market
11. Monument of Cyryl Ratajski, Polwiejska Street
12. Monument of the Greater Poland Insurgents (two photographs), Krolowej Jadwigi str.

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