
Current projects

Past projects

  • Automatic synthesis of mathematical programming models for business processes (National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. 2016/23/D/ST6/03735, 07.2017-07.2020) - my position: principal investigator.
  • Support for the management of scientific research and commercialization of the results of R&D works in research units and enterprises (Ministry of Science and Higher Education, MNiSW/2020/343/DIR, 10.2020 - 12.2022) - my position: investigator.
  • A research and development project for InterLAN Andrzej Kułakowski i Spółka, Sp. J (2020-2021) - my position: principal investigator.
  • A research and development project for TOMTOM Global Content BV (2018) - my position: investigator.
  • Scalable metaheuristics for automatic synthesis of programs (National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. UMO-2014/15/B/ST6/05205) - my position: investigator.
  • Computer-assisted synthesis of linear and nonlinear programming models (Project supported by the funds for statutory activity of Poznan University of Technology, grant no. 09/91/DSMK/0634, 2017) - my position: principal investigator.
  • Software framework for explanatory modeling of big data (LUCID) (National Centre for Research and Development, Poland, DZP/TANGO2/396/2016, 2017-2018) - my position: investigator.
  • Algorithms for automatic modeling and optimization of complex systems (Project supported by the funds for statutory activity of Poznan University of Technology, grant no. 09/91/DSMK/0606, 2016) - my position: principal investigator.
  • Methods of automatic programming involving semantic approaches (National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. DEC-2012/07/N/ST6/03066, 2013-2016) - my position: principal investigator.
  • Eskulap - Hospital Information System, my position: software developer.
  • SchoolScreen (pl. Szkolna Tapeta) - a system promoting education, social campaigns and public awareness by advertisements in schools in Poland, my position: software developer & designer.
  • New Computational Paradigms for Explanatory Modeling of Complex Systems (National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. DEC-2011/01/B/ST6/07318), my position: investigator.
  • ITSOA - New information technologies for electronic economy and information society based on service-oriented architecture (POIG.01.03.01-00-008/08), my position: investigator.