Parallel computing in Framsticks

TitleParallel computing in Framsticks
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsKomosinski, M, Ulatowski, S
Document NumberRA-18/2013
InstitutionPoznan University of Technology, Institute of Computing Science

This report demonstrates how parallel computation can be implemented in the Framsticks environment. A number of possible multithreaded and distributed architectures and configurations is shown. The main part of this report discusses and explains two experiment definitions (prime-mt and standard-mt) that exploit multithreading. These experiment definitions are included in the official Framsticks distribution. The first one serves as a minimal example of how parallelization can be implemented in Framsticks. The second one is more complex: it shows how to deal with Slave experiments that do not have an internal stop condition, how to migrate the evolved genotypes between Slaves, and how to use Slave checkpoint events to monitor the progress of evolution.

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