Framework: Test data introduction

On what study is this generator based?

The generator is based on the paper "Novel dual discounting functions for the Internet shopping optimization problem: new algorithms" written by Jacek Blazewicz, Nathanael Cheriere, Pierre-Francois Dutot, Jedrzej Musial and Denis Trystram. You can download an exerpt of that paper with the following link (details for this generator are discussed on chapter 5):
Download the paper (PDF, ~1.4Mo)

What will I find in a generated file?

No matter the format you choose, the generated file will contain 10 columns and ([number of shops]*[number of products]) lines.

Here a are a detail of the columns you'll find :

Name Type Description
shopid integer Shop unique id, starting at 1.
shopname string Shop unique name (human-friendly version of shopid).
delivery integer Delivery cost per order in that shop.
delivery50 float Delivery bonus if the total order amount is >= 50€. Can be 0 (no bonus), 0.5 (50% bonus) or 1 (free delivery).
delivery100 float Delivery bonus if the total order amount is >= 100€. Can be 0 (no bonus), 0.5 (50% bonus) or 1 (free delivery).
discount50 float Discount if the total order amount is >= 50€. Can be 0 (no discount), 0.05 (5% discount) or 0.1 (10% discount).
discount100 float Discount if the total order amount is >= 100€. Can be 0 (no discount), 0.05 (5% discount) or 0.1 (10% discount).
productid integer Product unique id, starting at 1.
productname string Product unique name (human-friendly version of productid).
price int Price of this product in this shop.