The road to learning by precept is long, but by example short and effective. Seneca


BSD Sockets
   -   TCP Sockets  [WWW]
   -   UDP Sockets  [WWW]
   -   Synchronous I/O multiplexing with function select  [WWW]
   -   Windows sockets (WinSock)  [WWW]
   -   Windows sockets (WinSock): Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 project  [ZIP]

   -   .Net Sockets (C#)  [WWW]
   -   .Net Sockets (C#): Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 project  [ZIP]

Operating Systems
   -   Files  [WWW]
   -   Processes  [WWW]
   -   Interrupts and signals  [WWW]
   -   Pipes  [WWW]
   -   IPC message queues  [WWW]
   -   IPC shared memory  [WWW]
   -   IPC semaphores  [WWW]
   -   Threads  [WWW]

Iptables libipq
   -   Iptables userspace packet queuing library  [WWW]

Enterprise JavaBeans
   -   Enterprise JavaBeans (JBoss) -- stateless bean [WWW]

Free and open source command line and networking tool to send and receive SMS messages through a mobile phone or GSM modem.
   -   SMSCOMM [TAR.BZ2]
   -   SMSCOMM md5 sum [MD5]

January, 12th 2008 © Michał Kalewski