
Invited seminars and keynotes


  • "From graph theory to the Genomic Map of Poland", plenary talk, 6th Workshop: BioInformatics meets Machine Learning , Mittweida, Germany


  • "Origins of Life - New Models", ICOLE-2015, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning , Lessach, Austria


  • "High Performance Computing in Genome Discovery", plenary talk; "Computers in Scientific Discovery" , Montreal, Canada
  • "Cloud brokering - new challenges", plenary talk, "Mathematical Challenges in Scheduling Theory" , Sanya, China
  • "Genomic Map of Poland", plenary talk, 3rd Workshop Bioinformatics meets Machine Learning , Mittweida, Germany


  • "Life from bioinformatics perspective", plenary talk, 2nd Workshop "Bioinformatic meets Machine Learning" , UAS Mittweida, Saxony Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (SICIM), Germany


  • "Origins of life: how can OR help to undestand them", plenary talk, Annual Symposium of the Israeli OR Society, , Bar IIan University, Israel
  • "Bioinformatics for RNA World Theory", plenary talk , X Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, Uniejow, Poland
  • "Multi-agent based approach for the origins of life hypothesis", plenary talk, MISTA, Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  • "DNA Sequencing by the hybrid algorithm", Sympozjum Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Białostockiego , Białystok, Poland
  • "GO for Scheduling and Sequencing", Plenary Talk, GO X Conference , Mount Rigi, Switzerland
  • "Job scheduling and DNA sequencing via graph theory", Workshop Business Clouds 2016 , Cadiz, Spain


  • "DNA sequencing: from SBH to hybrid NGS algorithms" , RECOMB-SEQ 2015, Warsaw, Poland
  • "On the history of DNA Sequencing" , Invited talk, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS, Poznań, Poland
  • "OR Models and Algorithms for Bioinformatics" , Plenary talk, Congress EURO, Glasgow, Scotland
  • "Understanding life: a bioinformatics point of view" , A symposium Honouring Professor Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, London
  • "Początki życia - spojrzenie bioinformatyczne" , Konferencja 15 lat nauk ścisłych na UKSW, Warszawa
  • "On the complexity of cloud computing" , ICOLE-2015, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning , Lessach, Austria
  • "GPU and Cloud Based Genome Sequencing Algorithm", Plenary Talk, IAIT 2015 , Bangkok, Thailand


  • "Bioinformatics issues in the origin of life" , Congress of Polish Biochemical Society, Warsaw, Poland
  • "On the models of life origins" , ICOLE-2014, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria


  • "Orgins of life and the theory of information" , ICOLE-2013, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
  • "New algorithm for the Internet Shopping Optimization Problem" , Invited seminar, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia


  • "Bioinformatyka wczoraj i dziś" , Invited seminar, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warsaw, Poland
  • "Internet Shop Optimization Problem" , ICOLE-2012, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
  • "Computer Science and the Orgins of Life" , Conference BIT’2012, Toruń, Poland
  • "Internet Shop Optimization Problems" , Invited seminar, INPG, Laboratoire GSCOP, Grenoble, France
  • "Orgins of life and the theory of information" , INRIA, Invited Professor Seminar, Grenoble, France


  • "Powstanie życia a teoria informacji" , Conference „Interdyscyplinarne przełamywanie kryzysu w pojmowaniu początków życia na Ziemi”, Warsaw, Poland
  • "Assembly DNA Chains - complexity, algorithms" , Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • "Graph approaches to genome reading" , Congress IFORS, Melbourne, Australia
  • "Internet shop optimization - basic assumptions" , ICOLE-2011, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
  • "Internet Shop Optimization - basic assumptions" , Invited seminar, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
  • "Orgins of life and the theory of information" , Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • "RNAComposer - an automatic tool for RNA tertiary structure prediction" , Conference MULTIPOLE, Warsaw, Poland


  • "Scheduling 2 way crane as a moldable task scheduling problem" , Invited seminar, INPG, Laboratoire GSCOP, Grenoble, France
  • "RNA Partial degradation problem - complexity, algorithms" , ICOLE-2010, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
  • "Graph theoretic approaches to DNA sequencing by hybridization" , Invited seminar, Feng-Chia University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • "From task scheduling to DNA sequencing and backward" , Invited seminar, Feng-Chia University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • "Grap approaches to genome reading" , Invited seminar, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
  • "2 way crane scheduling by mathematical programing" , GOR Seminar on Logistic, Freiberg, Germany


  • "Berth and 2 way crane allocation as scheduling problem" , DICOMAS, Brussels, Belgium
  • "System wspomagania analizy szczepionek genetycznych" , Invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
  • "Scheduling 2-way crane operations in a harbour" , ICOLE-2009, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
  • "Sekwencjonowanie w dużej i małej skali z wykorzystaniem teorii grafów" , XV Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Szczyrk, Poland
  • "DNA sequencing and graph theory" , Invited seminar, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France
  • "Graph theoretical approach do DNA sequencing and assembling" , INRIA, Invited Professor Seminar, Grenoble, France
  • "Scheduling 2 way crane as a moldable task scheduling problem" , Seminar on Parallel Processing, Lyon, France


  • "DNA sequencing and job scheduling: graph models and algorithms" , Invited seminar, IASI, CNR, Rome, Italy
  • "On the ties between graph theory and DNA sequencing" , Seminar „OR Symposium” in Honor of Dominique de Werra, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • "From task scheduling to DNA sequencing and backward" , Invited seminar, Hongkong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, China


  • "From task scheduling to DNA sequencing" , Seminar „Combinatorial Optimization and Applications” in Honor of Peter Brucker, Osnabrück, Germany
  • "Computational support for anti-virus vaccine development - COMPUVAC" , ICOLE-2007, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria


  • "DNA sequencing by hybridization - models and algorithms" , Invited seminar, University of Science and Technology, Sydney, Australia
  • "Operations Research approaches to selected bioinformatics problems" , Congress ROADEF’06, Lille, France
  • "Introduction to DNA sequencing by hybridization" , Workshop on Scheduling and Sequencing, Lessach, Austria
  • "DNA graphs - concept and applications" , Inauguration session of Bioinformatics Center of ICM, UW, Warsaw, Poland
  • "Zastosowanie teorii grafów do wybranych problemów bioinformatyki" , IV Krajowa Konferencja Technologii Informacyjnej KKTI06, Gdańsk, Poland
  • "OR-bridging gaps between biology and manufactoring" , Invited seminar, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
  • "Metody kombinatoryczne w sekwencjonowaniu łańcuchów DNA" , Krajowa Konferencja Automatyzacji Procesów Dyskretnych, Zakopane, Poland
  • "DNA sequencing by hybridization and scheduling problems - bridging gaps" , Invited seminar, Koc University, Istambul, Turkey
  • "On the complexity of chosen scheduling problems" , Invited seminar, Koc University, Istambul, Turkey
  • "O szczepionkach antywirusowych - założenia europejskiego grantu Compuvac" , Invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland


  • "Scheduling with late work criterion - basic results, complexity" , Workshop on Scheduling and Sequencing, Lessach, Austria
  • "On the complexity of the DNA sequencing by hybridization" , Invited seminar, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
  • "DNA sequencing with isothermic libraries and graph theory" , Invited seminar, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne,Lausanne, Switzerland
  • "Tabu search approach to DNA sequencing" , Invited seminar, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
  • "Mapowanie genomów - modele, złożoność" , Invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland