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"From graph theory to the Genomic Map of Poland", plenary talk, 6th Workshop: BioInformatics meets Machine Learning
Mittweida, Germany
"Origins of Life - New Models", ICOLE-2015, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning
Lessach, Austria
"High Performance Computing in Genome Discovery", plenary talk; "Computers in Scientific Discovery"
Montreal, Canada
"Cloud brokering - new challenges", plenary talk, "Mathematical Challenges in Scheduling Theory"
Sanya, China
"Genomic Map of Poland", plenary talk, 3rd Workshop Bioinformatics meets Machine Learning
Mittweida, Germany
"Life from bioinformatics perspective", plenary talk, 2nd Workshop "Bioinformatic meets Machine Learning"
UAS Mittweida, Saxony Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (SICIM), Germany
"Origins of life: how can OR help to undestand them", plenary talk, Annual Symposium of the Israeli OR Society,
Bar IIan University, Israel
"Bioinformatics for RNA World Theory", plenary talk
X Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, Uniejow, Poland
"Multi-agent based approach for the origins of life hypothesis", plenary talk, MISTA, Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"DNA Sequencing by the hybrid algorithm", Sympozjum Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Białostockiego
Białystok, Poland
"GO for Scheduling and Sequencing", Plenary Talk, GO X Conference
Mount Rigi, Switzerland
"Job scheduling and DNA sequencing via graph theory", Workshop Business Clouds 2016
Cadiz, Spain
"DNA sequencing: from SBH to hybrid NGS algorithms"
RECOMB-SEQ 2015, Warsaw, Poland
"On the history of DNA Sequencing"
Invited talk, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS, Poznań, Poland
"OR Models and Algorithms for Bioinformatics"
Plenary talk, Congress EURO, Glasgow, Scotland
"Understanding life: a bioinformatics point of view"
A symposium Honouring Professor Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, London
"Początki życia - spojrzenie bioinformatyczne"
Konferencja 15 lat nauk ścisłych na UKSW, Warszawa
"On the complexity of cloud computing" , ICOLE-2015, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning
Lessach, Austria
"GPU and Cloud Based Genome Sequencing Algorithm", Plenary Talk, IAIT 2015
Bangkok, Thailand
"Bioinformatics issues in the origin of life"
Congress of Polish Biochemical Society, Warsaw, Poland
"On the models of life origins"
ICOLE-2014, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
"Orgins of life and the theory of information"
ICOLE-2013, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
"New algorithm for the Internet Shopping Optimization Problem"
Invited seminar, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia
"Bioinformatyka wczoraj i dziś"
Invited seminar, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warsaw, Poland
"Internet Shop Optimization Problem"
ICOLE-2012, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
"Computer Science and the Orgins of Life"
Conference BIT’2012, Toruń, Poland
"Internet Shop Optimization Problems"
Invited seminar, INPG, Laboratoire GSCOP, Grenoble, France
"Orgins of life and the theory of information"
INRIA, Invited Professor Seminar, Grenoble, France
"Powstanie życia a teoria informacji"
Conference „Interdyscyplinarne przełamywanie kryzysu w pojmowaniu początków życia na Ziemi”, Warsaw, Poland
"Assembly DNA Chains - complexity, algorithms"
Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
"Graph approaches to genome reading"
Congress IFORS, Melbourne, Australia
"Internet shop optimization - basic assumptions"
ICOLE-2011, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
"Internet Shop Optimization - basic assumptions"
Invited seminar, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
"Orgins of life and the theory of information"
Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
"RNAComposer - an automatic tool for RNA tertiary structure prediction"
Conference MULTIPOLE, Warsaw, Poland
"Scheduling 2 way crane as a moldable task scheduling problem"
Invited seminar, INPG, Laboratoire GSCOP, Grenoble, France
"RNA Partial degradation problem - complexity, algorithms"
ICOLE-2010, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
"Graph theoretic approaches to DNA sequencing by hybridization"
Invited seminar, Feng-Chia University, Taipei, Taiwan
"From task scheduling to DNA sequencing and backward"
Invited seminar, Feng-Chia University, Taipei, Taiwan
"Grap approaches to genome reading"
Invited seminar, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
"2 way crane scheduling by mathematical programing"
GOR Seminar on Logistic, Freiberg, Germany
"Berth and 2 way crane allocation as scheduling problem"
DICOMAS, Brussels, Belgium
"System wspomagania analizy szczepionek genetycznych"
Invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
"Scheduling 2-way crane operations in a harbour"
ICOLE-2009, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
"Sekwencjonowanie w dużej i małej skali z wykorzystaniem teorii grafów"
XV Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Szczyrk, Poland
"DNA sequencing and graph theory"
Invited seminar, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France
"Graph theoretical approach do DNA sequencing and assembling"
INRIA, Invited Professor Seminar, Grenoble, France
"Scheduling 2 way crane as a moldable task scheduling problem"
Seminar on Parallel Processing, Lyon, France
"DNA sequencing and job scheduling: graph models and algorithms"
Invited seminar, IASI, CNR, Rome, Italy
"On the ties between graph theory and DNA sequencing"
Seminar „OR Symposium” in Honor of Dominique de Werra, Lausanne, Switzerland
"From task scheduling to DNA sequencing and backward"
Invited seminar, Hongkong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, China
"From task scheduling to DNA sequencing"
Seminar „Combinatorial Optimization and Applications” in Honor of Peter Brucker, Osnabrück, Germany
"Computational support for anti-virus vaccine development - COMPUVAC"
ICOLE-2007, German-Polish Workshop on Computational Biology, Scheduling and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria
"DNA sequencing by hybridization - models and algorithms"
Invited seminar, University of Science and Technology, Sydney, Australia
"Operations Research approaches to selected bioinformatics problems"
Congress ROADEF’06, Lille, France
"Introduction to DNA sequencing by hybridization"
Workshop on Scheduling and Sequencing, Lessach, Austria
"DNA graphs - concept and applications"
Inauguration session of Bioinformatics Center of ICM, UW, Warsaw, Poland
"Zastosowanie teorii grafów do wybranych problemów bioinformatyki"
IV Krajowa Konferencja Technologii Informacyjnej KKTI06, Gdańsk, Poland
"OR-bridging gaps between biology and manufactoring"
Invited seminar, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
"Metody kombinatoryczne w sekwencjonowaniu łańcuchów DNA"
Krajowa Konferencja Automatyzacji Procesów Dyskretnych, Zakopane, Poland
"DNA sequencing by hybridization and scheduling problems - bridging gaps"
Invited seminar, Koc University, Istambul, Turkey
"On the complexity of chosen scheduling problems"
Invited seminar, Koc University, Istambul, Turkey
"O szczepionkach antywirusowych - założenia europejskiego grantu Compuvac"
Invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
"Scheduling with late work criterion - basic results, complexity"
Workshop on Scheduling and Sequencing, Lessach, Austria
"On the complexity of the DNA sequencing by hybridization"
Invited seminar, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
"DNA sequencing with isothermic libraries and graph theory"
Invited seminar, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne,Lausanne, Switzerland
"Tabu search approach to DNA sequencing"
Invited seminar, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
"Mapowanie genomów - modele, złożoność"
Invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland