Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne
Pro Dialog:     Nr 23
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Kaldrum PASSI, Ryszard TADEUSIEWICZ, Brian BIGELOW, Ryszard JANICKI, Tamar KA 29-09-2007
A Case of Web Cancer
AI, AU, Mal-ware, SAV, SPAM, SPY-ware, STMP, terrorism

Pro Dialog 23 (2007), 59–62 NAKOM Publishers – Poznań, Poland
A Case of Web Cancer
Laurentian University, Department of Psychology, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

McMaster University, Department of Computer Science, Canada

M. D., Psychotherapy Practice, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Waldemar W. KOCZKODAJ1)
Laurentian University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3E 2C6

Kaldrum PASSI
Laurentian University, Department of Computer Science, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Automatic Control al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
Received September 29, 2007
Abstract.SPAM has become the computer equivalent of cancer, growing uncontrolla­bly until it kills off it’s host. At a collective level, the yearly time wasted due to SPAM is comparable to a significant terrorist attack on the country. The problem will only worsen. In addition, SPAM may contain Mal-ware, including viruses, Trojan Horses, Worms, and Spy-ware. While helpful, SPAM filters are an interim measure as they are either too loose or too tight. Our increased dependence on vital real-time e-mail, such as with telemedicine, makes it essential to accurately block SPAM. Automatic Understanding (AU) is in it’s infancy but along with Simple Mail Transfer Protocols (STMP) and Sender Address Verification (SAV), promises to be a vital tool in helping to identify data and code contaminated by SPAM which uses commercial syntax and tone. More interdisciplinary collaboration with fields such psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience and clinical actuarial counseling protocols is obviously needed so that AU anti-SPAM software can be generated.
Key words: AI, AU, Mal-ware, SAV, SPAM, SPY-ware, STMP, terrorism
1)The corresponding author can be reached at wkoczkodaj@cs.laurentian.ca.

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