Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne
Pro Dialog:     Nr 23
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Wojciech DOBROSIELSKI, Jacek CZERNIAK, Wojciech DOBROSIELSKI 26-03-2007
Optimizing the Efficiency of Cryptological Processes Based on the RIJNDAEL-AES Algorithm...
Optimizing the Efficiency of Cryptological Processes Based on the RIJNDAEL-AES Algorithm by Means of its Parallel Implementation cryptography, Rijndael, AES, parallel programming, PCAM, OpenMP

Pro Dialog 23 (2007), 21–32 NAKOM Publishers – Poznań, Poland
Optimizing the Efficiency of Cryptological Processes
Based on the RIJNDAEL-AES Algorithm
by Means of its Parallel Implementation
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Institute of Technology ul. Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Poland e-mail: wdobrosielski@ukw.edu.pl, jczerniak@ukw.edu.pl
Received March 26, 2007
Abstract. This article describes research the aim of which was to accelerate cryptographic processes using parallel programming. The application of cryptography has becomes common nowadays. The complexity of operations and the amount of data to be processed place this domain of computer science in a group of those which consume resources greedily. Therefore, the union of cryptology and parallel programming can result in improved working parameters of cryptographic algorithms. This article discusses results of experiments which prove the correctness of such a theory. The values of parameters of parallel programming that were achieved during research, such as acceleration and efficiency, indicate clear benefits of the new method. This paper shows an effective way of improving these parameters used in the Rijndael algorithm, the winner of an open competition on AES.
Key words: cryptography, Rijndael, AES, parallel programming, PCAM, OpenMP

Archiwum PTI Ewa Łukasik ( elukasik@cs.put.poznan.pl) Grzegorz Przybył ( grzegorz.przybyl@wp.pl ) www.pti.org.pl Kontakt PTI ( pti@pti.org.pl )



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