All posts by alawrynowicz

Oferowane stypendia na prace magisterskie w ramach projektu/Stipends offered for Master thesis

Poszukujemy  dwóch studentów do realizacji pracy magisterskiej w ramach projektu LeoLOD.

Zadaniem dyplomantów w ramach pracy magisterskiej będzie stworzenie narzędzi w języku Java w zakresie integracji algorytmów, interfejsu graficznego i doświadczenia użytkownika (APIGUIUX). Narzędzie, które powstanie w ramach pracy magisterskiej, będzie wtyczką do darmowego środowiska do tworzenia ontologii i systemów inteligentnych Protégé.

Bardziej szczegółowe tematy prac są już dostępne.

Oferujemy stypendium z projektu w wysokości 1000 PLN/miesiąc przez 10 miesięcy.

Zainteresowane osoby zapraszamy do zgłoszenia swojego CV i listu motywacyjnego do  30 kwietnia 2014r  15 czerwca 2014r. na adres:

Realizacja pracy magisterskiej w ramach projektu rozpocznie się od kolejnego semestru (wrzesień/październik 2014r.)

Jeśli macie pytania, chcielibyście porozmawiać nt. projektu, zakresu proponowanej pracy magisterskiej zapraszam serdecznie do kontaktu emailowego (, telefonicznego ((61) 665 30 26) lub po prostu przyjścia i porozmawiania (budynek Biblioteki Technicznej PP, pokój BT 1.6.10).



A stipend  of 1000 PLN / month is offered from the project LeoLOD for maximum 10 months for students interested in realizing the Master thesis on the project topics.

If you are interested in this offer, please email your CV and motivation letter by June 15, 2014 to

Realization of the Master thesis will start from the next semester (September/October 2014)

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me by email, phone ((61) 665 30 26) or personally (room BT 1.6.10).





Presentation at Game Developers Convention in Poznań

Agnieszka Lawrynowicz gave a talk at the first day of Game Developers Convention (Zjazd Twórców Gier) co-located with Poznań Game Arena. The presentation was entitled “Knowledge in games, games with a purpose of creating knowledge” (“Wiedza w grach, gry z celem tworzenia wiedzy”). The dicussed topics included the concept of  games with a purpose (GWAP) and how they can be used to create knowledge resources including ontologies and Linked Data.

Open Position for a PhD Student

The Institute of  Computing Science at the Poznan University of Technology seeks candidates for 1 PhD stipend offered for the realization of research tasks in the “Learning and Evolving Ontologies from Linked Open Data (LeoLOD)” project.  The LeoLOD project is realized within the POMOST (PARENT-BRIDGE) programme of Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from European Union, Regional Development Fund.

The further information is provided below:

Number of stipends:  1

Institution : Poznan University of Technology, Poznan  

Maximum  period of stipend agreement: 18 months

Position starts on:  January 1st, 2014

Stipend’s amount:  3,000PLN/month

Pension insurance: no

Profile of candidates:

  1. PhD students, i.e. participants of the PhD studies, holding MSc in computer science or mathematics who are subject of pension and annuity insurance from another sources;
  1. good background in artificial intelligence (logic-based knowledge representation), semantic technologies, machine learning;
  2. good programming skills (Java); experience in managing software development projects;
  3. previous academic activity in the fields of Semantic Web, ontology in computer science and machine learning (publications, participation in conferences, participation in summer schools) is welcome but not mandatory;
  4. previous experience in research projects that included international collaboration, team work is welcome but not mandatory;

Key responsibilities include:

  1. Conducting scientific research on foundations for query-based pattern mining from Linked Data;
  2. Conducting scientific research on algorithms for ontology learning and evolution based on Linked Data;
  3. Conducting experimental evaluation of the developed algorithms;
  4. Actively contributing to design and development  of a plug-in to Protégé Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition System;
  5. Editing scientific publications.

Required documents:

  1. short CV containing information about her/his Master thesis and main research or/and programming achievements (in English);
  2. motivation letter explaining PhD student’s interest in the subject and describing her/his achievements that are closely related to the project (no longer than 2 pages) (in English);
  3. a copy of the letter from the current or planned main PhD supervisor declaring consent on secondment to the project and on dr Agnieszka Ławrynowicz becoming the supporting PhD supervisor (co-supervisor) in case of winning the contest by the PhD student.

Principal Investigator:  dr Agnieszka Ławrynowicz;

Closing date: October 31st, 2013

Please send your offer by email to

Please include in your offer:
“In accordance with the personal data protection act from 29 th August 1997, I hereby agree to process and to store my personal data by the Institution for recruitment purposes”.

For selecting the best candidate a recruitment commission is established that will organize interviews with candidates in November 2013. The interviews will be held in Polish and English. The following items will be taken into account by the commision for deciding on granting the stipend:
a) the result of the interview;
b) good meritorical background for the realization of the project tasks;
c) previous academic activity, achievements, and experience, in particular related to the project topic.

The decision on granting the stipend will be annouced  within a week after the interview.

 The granting institution may seek to contact the best candidates only.