Michał Szychowiak, Ph.D., University Professor

official position:
Since 1994 with the Institute of Computing Science. PhD degree at the Faculty of Computing Science and Management in 2003. Currently — University Professor, Division of Computing Systems.
research area:
dependability of distributed computing systems (including security, reliability and high availability)
profiles in scientific repositories:
Thomson Reuters ResearcherID
Open Researcher and Contributor ID
Elsevier SCOPUS
Web of Science / Publons
Google Scholar
current office hours:
 All office hours are suspended during the intersemestral break.
The schedule for my new office hours will be updated upon opening of the forthcoming semester.
contact info:
Poznań University of Technology,
Institute of Computing Science
ul. Piotrowo 2, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
room 4
phone: +48 61 6652964, fax: +48 61 8771525
e-mail: michal.szychowiak@cs.put.poznan.pl

2019-02-20 10:00

DIME (Difficult and Important Made Easy) is a TEDx-like short speech session open for general public. That one, "Keep your fingers crossed. The future is coming...", was recorded at the 33rd IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) World Computing Congress 2018.