Special Issue: Artificial Life Models

Call for papers

A Special Issue on Artificial Life Models in Software and Hardware

We are preparing a Special Issue of the Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems on Artificial Life Models in Software and Hardware.

The issue will concern topics such as modeling and computer simulation of life processes, complex adaptive systems, multi-agent systems, emergence, communication and social interaction, emergent behavior, self-organization, modeling vision and perception, sensory-motor coordination, behavioral and swarm robotics, genetics, aspects of evolution and coevolution, social behavior, and bio-medical applications of AL in-silico models.

Papers will be peer-reviewed and should not exceed ~20 pages. Your manuscript will be sent to reviewers as soon as it is submitted, and if accepted (or revised and accepted), will be published electronically. Submitting a paper is via the IJPEDS online submission page:

  • "Step 4: Reviewers & Editors" select and add editor "Komosinski, Maciej"
  • "Step 5: Details & Comments" answer YES to the question about the Special Issue and select "Artificial Life Models" from the list.

If you, your co-workers, postdocs or students have research results that you are going to describe and publish, consider this special issue to submit your manuscript. Please forward this page to your interested colleagues.

If you are not sure whether your manuscript is suitable for this special issue, email maciej.komosinski@cs.put.poznan.pl with a provisional title or an abstract, or with any questions regarding the publication.