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Series publication was completed in 2004.
Microcompuetr User Library (in Polish: Biblioteka Użytkownika Mikrokomputerów) series books concern popular software products: operating systems, programming languages, text editors, database systems, electronic sheets, graphic, didactic, scientific and  technical programs, etc. They contain a general presentation of the software in question, description of instructions and commands, and the way of their use, supported by numerous examples. The series also included the publication of thematic manuals on the application and use of microcomputer hardware, not necessarily related to a specific software product, as well as lexicons and dictionaries on IT.

The books of this series are intended for all users of microcomputer equipment. For novice users of this equipment, they are a valuable help while learning how to use and use a given software or while getting to know a specific application of microcomputers, and for advanced and experienced programmers, they are valuable documentation and encyclopedic material, which is often used in everyday professional practice.

All books in this series have been published in Polish – see the
BUM website for details. I had the honor of being the Chairman of the Editorial Board.