The Nomadic Pict Examples

Below we give a few example programs, expressed in the Nomadic Pict language.

For illustration, some programs are extended with code (also expressed in Nomadic Pict) that implements distributed infrastructure for location-independent communication. The infrastructure employs distributed algorithms to deliver messages reliably to migrating agents (a discussion of example algorithms can be found here). Normally, the code implementing infrastructure can be chosen by the application programmer from the libraries.

1. Short programs to get started
2. Applet with Central Server infrastructure
3. Applet but with Forwarding Pointers infrastructure
4. DistrObjects
5. ChatRoom
6. PersonalAgent
7. DistrEvents
8. Bounce demo: Server and Client; it uses a trader to setup client-server communication
9. Philosophers

Pawel [dot] T [dot] Wojciechowski [at]
Last modified: Fri Jul 14 14:07:45 CEST 2006