Some old jokes...

- Why is Bill Gates company's name  Micro soft?
- Only his wife knows why...

There are only 10 types of people in this world... those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Scientists of different nations were to write a book on elephants. An Englishmen gave it the following title: "How I hunted for elephants in Kenya". The Frenchman's title was: "The sexual behavior of elephants". With a German, the work had 12 volumes and the title was "The brief introduction to elephant theory", while an American's book was written under the title "How to grow bigger and better elephants".

Americans bought for US NAVY an expert system with voice control. One day the captain heard a message saying that enemy was approaching. The captain then asked the expert system: "By air OR by sea?". The answer is: "Yes.". The captain, getting nervous, asks: "Yes how!?!". And the expert system answers: "Yes sir!".

What is the difference between a beginner computer science student, and an advanced one? The first one believes that 1 kilobyte is 1000 bytes. The other one holds that 1 km is 1024 meters.

Two students walk down the street and encounter a sheet of paper. They examine it closely, and one of them asks:

  • Hey, do you know what's this about?
  • No idea! And you?
  • I don't, but let's make a xerox copy anyway...