Container Ship Traffic Model for Simulation Studies - Additional Resources

J.Wawrzyniak, M.Drozdowski, É.Sanlaville

General information    Test instances    Technical Report    Contact   

General Information

This page comprises supplementary data analysis results and datasets for container ship traffic models. The datasets are built on the basis of probabilistic models derived from real container ship traffic data of five ports: Hamburg, Le Havre, Rotterdam, Shanghai, Singapore (by the rules of the granted access we are not allowed to release the source data.) Values of the following parameters were drawn pseudo-randomly according to the probabilistic models:
• number of the ship arrivals n,
• ship ready times, r_j,
• ship processing times, p_j,
• ship lengths, L_j,
• ship importance (or value, weight), w_j.
The generated datasets retain features of the original traffic such as:
- ship size distributions,
- ship processing time distributions and their dependence on the ship sizes,
- ship return interval distributions and their dependence on the ship sizes.
Details on the obtained parameter distributions can be found in the report mentioned below. The test instances include also lengths of the berths in container terminals present in the above ports.

Test Instances

The test instances were generated for a year timespan, with different weekly intensities. Since vessel arrivals are generated pseudo-randomly, the actual number of arrivals may slightly differ from the product of the number of weeks in a year and weekly intensity.

Instance File Format
Instance files are text files with data in the following order:
- 1st line: number of the ship calls at a port (n)
- lines 2 to n+1 - ship data (in the order): id (j), ready time (r_j) in hours since the beginning of a year, length (L_j), processing time (p_j) in hours, weight (importance, e.g. cost of moving the containers w_j), ship owner (o_j - can be ignored)
- line n+2: number of berths (m)
- line n+2 (the last line): berth lengths (\lambda_1,...,\lambda_m)

File Name Convention
port is an abbreviation of port name: hb - Hamburg, lh - Le Havre, rt - Rotterdam, sh - Shanghai, si - Singapore;
intensity is the number of weekly ship arrivals;
n - just letter n;
inst# is the number of the instance.

The instances are collected in the following files
1.intensity20.zipintensity 20/week
2.intensity50.zipintensity 50/week
3.intensity100.zipintensity 100/week
4.intensity200.zipintensity 200/week
5.intensity500.zipintensity 500/week

Technical Report

In this report parameters for container ship traffic model are provided.:

J.Wawrzyniak, M.Drozdowski, É.Sanlaville, Ship Traffic Model for Container Terminals – Distributions and Parameters Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Research Report RA-1/21, 2021.
