1. Log into codeanywhere.com and turn on VM 2. Install required libraries with command 'sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool' 3. Download archive 'se.zip' from url 'http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/mantczak/datastore/media/ics/se.zip' using command 'wget http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/mantczak/datastore/media/ics/se.zip' 4. Unzip se.zip using command 'unzip se.zip' 5. cd se # Install CUnit testing framework 6. tar -xvf CUnit-2.1-3.tar 7. cd CUnit-2.1-3 8. autoreconf -vif 9. ./configure --prefix=/usr 10. make 11. sudo make install # Unit testing for a simple application example 12. cd ../ 13. cd CUExample 15. chmod u+x *.sh 14. To run simple calculator application you should use following command './compile-run-calc.sh' 15. To run unit tests created for considered application (stored in file './test/main.c') you should use following command './compile-run-tests.sh' 16. As a result of performed unit testing two reporting files should be generated (in XML format) # Install doxygen (a tool for generating documentation from annotated C/C++ sources) 17. Install doxygen with command 'sudo apt-get install doxygen' 18. To generate a documentation for considered application (ie. header file './src/include/calc.h' is annotated) you should use following command './generate-doc.sh' 19. As a result the documentation should be generated and stored in directory './doc' considering both html or tex representations 20. Please, analyse and try to understand the source code of the example programs