1. Log into codeanywhere.com and turn on VM 2. Install socat with command 'sudo apt-get install socat' 3. Open two SSH terminal sessions (by clicking with right mouse button on your VM and select 'SSH Terminal') #Following steps should be executed in the first terminal: 4. Download archive 'serial.zip' from url 'http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/mantczak/datastore/media/ics/serial.zip' using command 'wget http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/mantczak/datastore/media/ics/serial.zip' 5. Unzip serial.zip using command 'unzip serial.zip' 6. cd serial 7. Create two pseudo-terminals that emulate serial port using command 'socat PTY,link=./tty1 PTY,link=./tty2' #Following steps should be executed in the second terminal: 8. cd serial 9. chmod u+x compile-run.sh 10. ./compile-run.sh #At the end of the work remember 11. To terminate serial port emulation executed previously in the first terminal with Ctrl + C 12. Please, analyse and try to understand the source code of the example programs