Personal Software Process

(Doskonalenie procesow programowych)

Lectures Tutorials Labs Seminars Exam
Sem. 1: 2 - 2 - No

Lectures:Jerzy Nawrocki
Laboratories:Adam Wojciechowski

Personal Software Process (PSP) was proposed by Watts Humphrey from SEI, Pittsburg (USA), in 1995. PSP is about improving professional skills of a software engineer. It helps to make reliable commitments. According to PSP you should collect historical data describing your personal processes. Then you can apply statistical tools (eg. linear regression) to predict program size and the effort. Moreover, PSP proposes some techniques for quality assurance.

Lectures 1999/2000 (Fall semester):

  1. Introduction (PowerPoint'97 slide show - 220 KB)
  2. Requirements Engineering (slide show - 340 KB)
  3. Baseline Software Process (slide show - 220 KB)
  4. Developing an Effective Personality (slide show - 350 KB)
  5. Software Size Estimation (I) (slide show - 390 KB)
  6. Software Size Estimation (II) (slide show - 360 KB)
  7. Schedule Estimation (slide show - 360 KB)
  8. Software Design (slide show - 240 KB)
  9. Extreme Programming (slide show - 190 KB)
  10. Configuration Management (slide show - 140 KB)
  11. The planning process (slide show - 270 KB)
  12. Software quality management (slide show - 240 KB)
  13. Software reviews (slide show - 190 KB)
  14. Software testing (slide show - 280 KB)

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