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os_cp:redirects_pipes [2023/03/25 11:44]
os_cp:redirects_pipes [2024/03/19 23:33] (current)
jkonczak [Pipes]
Line 73: Line 73:
 \\ \\
 With the ''​-w''​ switch, ''​seq''​ makes all number of equal width (e.g., ''​seq -w 8 11''​ outputs 08, 09, 10 and 11). With the ''​-w''​ switch, ''​seq''​ makes all number of equal width (e.g., ''​seq -w 8 11''​ outputs 08, 09, 10 and 11).
 +++++ Examples | {{page>​so:​redirects:​seq&​inline}} ++++
 ~~Exercise.#​~~ Generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to 15. ~~Exercise.#​~~ Generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to 15.
Line 218: Line 220:
 | ''>>''​ | opens //word// for appending and replaces //​file_number//​ with the file | | ''>>''​ | opens //word// for appending and replaces //​file_number//​ with the file |
 | ''<>''​ | opens //word// for reading and writing and replaces //​file_number//​ with the file | | ''<>''​ | opens //word// for reading and writing and replaces //​file_number//​ with the file |
-| ''<<''​ | 1) creates a temporary file \\ 2) reads an input line \\ 3) if the line is //​word//, ​go to step \\ 4) if there are no quotes (a pair of ''"''​ or <​html><​code>'</​code></​html>​) ​in //word//, performs the expansion((E.g.,​ ''​$VAR''​ is substituted with its value, ''​`date`''​ is replaced by output of the date command etc.)) on the line \\ 5) writes ​the line to the temporary file \\ 6) opens the temporary file for reading ​ \\ 7) replace //​file_number//​ with the file \\ The command is run once this is done |+| ''<<''​ | 1) creates a temporary file \\ 2) reads an input line \\ 3) if the line is //​word//, ​goes to step \\ 4) if there are no quotes (a pair of ''"''​ or <​html><​code>'</​code></​html>​) ​enclosing the //word//, performs the expansion((E.g.,​ ''​$VAR''​ is substituted with its value, ''​`date`''​ is replaced by output of the date command etc.)) on the line \\ 5) appends ​the line to the temporary file \\ 6) goes to step 2 \\ 7) opens the temporary file for reading ​ \\ 8) replace //​file_number//​ with the file \\ The command is run once this is done |
 | ''<<​-''​| same as ''<<'',​ but after step 2 adds a step: \\ 2a) erase all leading tab characters (''​\t''​) \\ warning: spaces are not erased | | ''<<​-''​| same as ''<<'',​ but after step 2 adds a step: \\ 2a) erase all leading tab characters (''​\t''​) \\ warning: spaces are not erased |
 | ''<<<''​| warning: this is a Bash extension \\ 1) creates a temporary file \\ 2) writes //word// to it \\ 3) writes a newline to it \\ 4) opens the temporary file for reading ​ \\ 5) replace //​file_number//​ with the file \\ The command is run once this is done | | ''<<<''​| warning: this is a Bash extension \\ 1) creates a temporary file \\ 2) writes //word// to it \\ 3) writes a newline to it \\ 4) opens the temporary file for reading ​ \\ 5) replace //​file_number//​ with the file \\ The command is run once this is done |
-| ''<&''​ | if //word// is a number: duplicates a readable descriptor number //word// to the number //​file_number//​ \\  if //word/// is ''​-'':​ closes a descriptor number //​file_number//​ | +| ''<&''​ | if //word// is a number: duplicates a readable descriptor number //word// to the number //​file_number//​ \\  if //word// is ''​-'':​ closes a descriptor number //​file_number//​ | 
-| ''>&''​ | if //word// is a number: duplicates a writeable descriptor number //word// to the number //​file_number// ​ \\  if //word/// is ''​-'':​ closes a descriptor number //​file_number//​ |+| ''>&''​ | if //word// is a number: duplicates a writeable descriptor number //word// to the number //​file_number// ​ \\  if //word// is ''​-'':​ closes a descriptor number //​file_number//​ |
 | ''&>''​ | warning: this is a Bash extension \\ warning: this does not allow providing //​file_number//​ (in fact, ''&''​ is the file number) \\ opens //word// for writing, truncates it and replaces streams 1 and 2 with the file | | ''&>''​ | warning: this is a Bash extension \\ warning: this does not allow providing //​file_number//​ (in fact, ''&''​ is the file number) \\ opens //word// for writing, truncates it and replaces streams 1 and 2 with the file |
 | ''&>>''​| warning: this is a Bash extension \\ warning: this does not allow providing //​file_number//​ (in fact, ''&''​ is the file number) \\ opens //word// for appending and replaces streams 1 and 2 with the file | | ''&>>''​| warning: this is a Bash extension \\ warning: this does not allow providing //​file_number//​ (in fact, ''&''​ is the file number) \\ opens //word// for appending and replaces streams 1 and 2 with the file |
Line 238: Line 240:
 standard output (unless you dare to face the consequences). standard output (unless you dare to face the consequences).
-~~Exercise.#​~~ Swap standard ​input with standard output of the+~~Exercise.#​~~ Swap standard ​error with standard output of the
 ''​cat /etc/motd /​etc/​shadow''​ command. Test if you did this correctly by adding ''​cat /etc/motd /​etc/​shadow''​ command. Test if you did this correctly by adding
 ''​|rev''​ at the end (that will put standard output backwards). ''​|rev''​ at the end (that will put standard output backwards).
Line 328: Line 330:
 ~~Exercise.#​~~ Create a named pipe //p//. Redirect input of ''​fold''​ from //p// ~~Exercise.#​~~ Create a named pipe //p//. Redirect input of ''​fold''​ from //p//
 in one terminal, and redirect output of ''​ps -eF''​ to //p// in another terminal. in one terminal, and redirect output of ''​ps -eF''​ to //p// in another terminal.
-\\ Then repeat the commands, running the''​ps''​ before the ''​fold''​.+\\ Then repeat the commands, running the ''​ps''​ before the ''​fold''​.
 </​small>​ </​small>​
Line 410: Line 412:
 bytes (''​-b //​spec//''​) / fields (''​-f //​spec//''​) in each line. bytes (''​-b //​spec//''​) / fields (''​-f //​spec//''​) in each line.
 \\ \\
-filed is any number of characters separated by a single-character+field is any number of characters separated by a single-character
 delimiter (''​-d //​delim//'',​ defaults to tab). delimiter (''​-d //​delim//'',​ defaults to tab).
os_cp/redirects_pipes.1679741059.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/25 11:44 (external edit)