Miseleneous Tips and Tricks

PDF documents manipulation

If you want to put multiple pages of an existing PDF document on a single sheet use the scripts from pdfjam package. For example, when producing a handout of my presentations I run:

# pdfnup --nup 2x2 --paper a4paper --frame true --scale 0.96 \
         --delta "2mm 2mm" doc.pdf

I use pdfnup also for scaling documents (e.g. LNCS papers):

# pdfnup --nup 1x1 --scale 1.2 doc.pdf

Strike-through text

Use package ulem, eg.:

Ala \sout{nie} ma kota

The option normalem saves the standard emphasizing command (by default it is changed to underline). The other commands are: uline for multiline underlining, uuline for double underlining, uwave for wavy underline.

Mirrored output

If you want to get a mirrored output use the crop package, and the command \crop. Here is an example:


Bug in Beamer

Namely in the file /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/translator/dicts/translator-numbers-dictionary/translator-numbers-dictionary-Polish.dict. There is \\{e} instead of \\k{e} (ę).