Static Code Analysis

For students
1) Lexical and Syntax Analysis (Review)
- Snapshot of Lecture 1

2) Introduction to JavaCC
- Snapshot of Lecture 2

3) Cleve's lecture

4) AST
- Snapshot of Blazej's Lecture

5) Code Slicing
- Snapshot of Lecture 5

- article on code slicing in Polish (part 1)
- article on code slicing in Polish (part 2)

6) DFA (B. Pietrzak)

7) Jacek's lecture (details here)

8) Mutation Testing
- Snapshot of Lecture 8

- article on class level mutations
- article on method level mutations

9) DFA (B. Pietrzak)

10) Class Loaders & Dynamic Proxy (B. Walter)

1) -
2) Lexical and Syntax Analysis in Java
- Tasks to do

3) Introduction to JavaCC
- Tasks to do

- JavaCC Eclipse plug-in

- Java grammar

4) Processing Java grammar with JavaCC
- Tasks to do

5) Introduction to AST
- Tasks to do

6) Introduction to AST II

7) AST in Eclipse (see lecture details)

8) CFG
- Tasks to do

9) Dead code detection
- Tasks to do (clarification update 1)

- Test 1
- Test 2
- Test 3
- Test 4
- Test 5

10) Mutation Testing Framework
- Project description

- Report template

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