
Data mining, also referred to as knowledge discovery in databases, is a process of finding new, interesting, previously unknown, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns from very large volumes of data. Data mining is a discipline which brings together database systems, statistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, parallel and distributed processing, visualization, and other disciplines. Data mining owes its popularity to straight applicability of data mining results in decision support in many areas, e.g. in medicine, retail, telecommunication, banking, insurance, and many others. Data mining products are now commercially available and numerous industrial applications are being developed.

ADMKD'2005 is the first workshop on data mining and knowledge discovery to be held in conjunction with the East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS). The Workshop is started as a forum to encourage researchers and practitioners to discuss and investigate data mining research and implementation issues. The primary purpose of the Workshop is to bring together scientists to share experience in developing and deploying data mining systems. In particular, we encourage papers concerning discovery of knowledge from collections of complex data. Position papers are also welcomed.

topics of interest

We invite researchers and practitioners who are developing algorithms, systems, and applications, to share their results, ideas, and experiences. Submissions are sought that cover foundations of data mining, extend data mining to new areas, or present applicative technologies. The topics of the Workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:


The Workshop will be held in Tallinn, Estonia. The Workshop sessions will take place at the Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology.

important dates

Paper Submission11.07.2005
Notification of Acceptance08.08.2005
Camera-Ready Copy Due22.08.2005
Workshop Date15-16.09.2005

submission guidelines

The workshop calls for research papers reporting original and previously unpublished results. All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Papers should be submitted via e-mail to admkd05@cs.put.poznan.pl, submission of abstracts is not necessary. Each paper will be carefully reviewed by program committee members. Papers should be submitted in Postscript or PDF in the LNCS format (for instructions see www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Accepted papers will be published in local proceedings. Papers should not exceed 10 pages in final camera-ready format. For further information regarding paper submission please send inquiries to admkd05@cs.put.poznan.pl.

The enhanced version of the selected papers published in the workshop will be invited for publication in a special issue on "Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery" in the Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences (http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/fcds/index.htm).

registration & fees

Normal registration fee must be payed before August 22, 2005. All transfers must be made by August 22, 2005. After this date to September 1, 2005, registrants will pay late registration fees. We will acknowledge payments within 5 days of receiving them. For details regarding payment procedure please refer to main ADBIS'2005 website at http://www.cs.ioc.ee/adbis2005/index.php?page=22.

  before Aug.22 Aug.22 to Sep.1 on site
Workshop fee 110 EUR 120 EUR 130 EUR
Reduced workshop fee for ADBIS participants 70 EUR 70 EUR 70 EUR

workshop officers

general chair
Tadeusz Morzy, Poznan University of Technology (Poland)
program chairs
Marek Wojciechowski, Poznan University of Technology (Poland)
Mikolaj Morzy, Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

program committee

Jean-François BoulicautINSA Lyon, France
Sharma ChakravarthyThe University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Bart GoethalsUniversity of Antwerp, Belgium
Frank HoeppnerUniversity of Wolfenbuettel, Germany
Marzena KryszkiewiczWarsaw University of Technology, Poland
Yannis ManolopoulosAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Yang-Sae MoonKangwon National University, Korea
Mikolaj MorzyPoznan University of Technology, Poland
Tadeusz MorzyPoznan University of Technology, Poland
Alexandros NanopoulosAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Henryk RybinskiWarsaw University of Technology, Poland
Daniel SánchezUniversity of Granada, Spain
Alexey TsymbalTrinity College Dublin, Ireland
Marek WojciechowskiPoznan University of Technology, Poland
Mohammed J. ZakiRensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York, USA
Maciej ZakrzewiczPoznan University of Technology, Poland